Jean Luc Di Paola Galloni (Valeo, France)

Minna Lanz (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
Robotics for Agile Manufacturing – Success stories from TRINITY
In the growing market of robots adapting to changing situations, human-robot collaboration and flexible robots with a simplified design and control have seen significant advancements in the field of robotics and human–robot interactions. In that respect, robot intelligence can be redefined concerning a perfect matching of mechanics and control. Further, robot control and learning are two key aspects that provide steady performance and adaptation to new conditions or collaborations with other agents (robots or humans). A paradigm shift in the robotics from creating robots doing repetitive and specific precision-oriented jobs to intelligent and helpful robots supporting our everyday life is predicted in this context. These robots complementing humans’ capabilities could provide a breakthrough in logistics, healthcare, and automatization of different industries soon, which are addressed in the industry 4.0 paradigm. This presentation will give the audience a view on advance robotics solutions that increase the resilience, competitiveness and agility in the manufacturing sector.

Po Ting Lin (NTUST, Taiwan)
Robot Arm Path Planning with Adaptive Obstacle Avoidance for Man-Robot Collaboration
Robot arms have been widely used in various production factories. They are able to completed desired tasks such as picking and placing with good repeatability. However, robots cannot completely replace human workers due to many different reasons. Human workers can complete delicate tasks more effectively with their skillful hands. Robots could be human workers’ helpers in terms of picking and placing items, delivering items to human, lifting items for human, etc. However, the risk of harming the human workers greatly increases as the robots are closer to them. Recently, researchers began to develop advanced technologies for man-robot collaboration. In this talk, a novel system will be presented. A Spatial-Temporal Graph Network was used to identify human motions as the Random Forest Model was used to evaluate the Danger Factor between the human and robot in the robot moving path. A Lagrangian Minimization was used to determine a new robot moving trajectory to keep a safety distance away from human. The safety distance could be adaptively shortened as the robot is desired to move closer to human for specific man-robot collaboration missions.

Anna Ryabokon (TTTech, Austria)
Shaping the future with advanced safe technologies
TTTech Computertechnik, a spin-off of the Vienna University of Technology with a focus on reliable computer systems, was founded twenty years ago to find answers to the following questions: How can a system keep up safe operation when its components fail? How can we make safety-critical systems that we use every day in cars, planes, spacecraft, or industrial machinery as dependable and safe as possible? Outstanding research and development in cooperation with multiple partners to speed up innovation brought us to where we are after two decades – from an SME to a company with more than 2000 employees and increased gross performance from EUR 17 million to 227 million. Now TTTech Group is proud to provide core technologies serving different markets. There are roughly 2 million cars on the streets with automated driving systems based on our technology. Our embedded solutions are installed in more than 10,000 wind turbines that provide millions of households with clean and sustainable energy. TTTech’s products have allowed airplanes to safely cover more than one billion flight hours and spacecraft to travel more than two million kilometers in deep space. We are continuing to tackle new challenges arising due to the massive digitalization and incorporation of intelligent technologies. In this talk, I am looking forward to sharing our success story with you.

Thiemo Voigt (Uppsala University, Sweeden)
In-Body and Battery-Free Internet of Things
We have recently pioneered a novel approach for in-body communication,
Fat-IBC, that uses the human body’s adipose (fat) tissue as a
communication channel for radio frequency (RF)-based communication.
Situated between the skin and muscle layers that act as a wave guide,
the fat layer allows for energy-efficient communication inside the
body. In this talk, I present Fat-IBC and discuss both some measures
to secure this novel in-body communication as well as some possible
applications. Further, I will also discuss our approach to make the
Internet of Things battery-free. Towards this end, we propose the use
of backscatter, a technology that relieves nodes from the
energy-consuming task of generating radio waves for communication.
Backscatter reduces the energy consumption for communication
drastically, but to achieve battery-free operations, we propose to
combine it with intermittent computing. Intermittent computing enables
application progress even when nodes frequently run out of energy and
need to reboot.